Strategy Intensives

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Booking page graphics (5).png

Strategy Intensives

from $600.00

How it works: Use this booking link to pay for your Strategy Intensive session(s)/ workshops. You may purchase one Strategy Intensive for $600. You receive a discount of 10% when purchasing four or more Strategy Intensives in a single transaction. If purchasing multiple Strategy Intensives, you may treat each one as a standalone service for different projects, or you can use them all on the same project.

Once payment is made, you’ll receive an email with a digital questionnaire/ mini-workbook to complete before your session(s) as well as info on scheduling your session(s) (more info on scheduling is below). If purchasing multiple sessions, you may choose to schedule them all up-front or schedule the first one now and the other(s) later.

To best prepare for your Intensive(s), please complete the provided digital questionnaire/workbook and submit it via email 24-48 hours before your session start time. The questionnaire/workbook helps you assess where you currently are in your project and identify the juiciest challenges to dig into with Margy in the session. Before your Intensive, Margy will review your submission and prepare thoughts and questions for you based on the specifics of your project.

During the session, you can either take the lead with your own challenges/questions or hand the reins to Margy to guide you through questions and considerations specific to your project. Calls usually last 60 - 75 minutes, and you may choose whether to have video on or be audio-only. Margy captures a recording of the session to send you, and you are also welcome to create your own backup recording.

If purchasing multiple Intensives, you may follow the same process above for each of your sessions.

Scheduling info: Intensives are generally held Tuesday through Friday, with start times between 10 am and 2 pm EDT/EST. Other times are available upon request. Once you’ve paid for your Intensive(s), you’ll get an email inviting you to reply with the following info: which week you’d prefer your Intensive(s) to occur, and 2-3 possible session times that could work for you, at least 4 weeks in the future to allow adequate lead time. Upon receiving your available dates and times, Margy will reply to you within 24 hours with the time of your Intensive(s). Once you have replied confirming the time, we are all set!

Note: On the next page, after you click “purchase,” you’ll see a field to enter a discount code. This field is built into the website platform and cannot be removed. Discount codes are not available for ScholarShape offerings because in the interest of fairness, rates are set at one consistent rate for everyone.

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